

If you have a favorite open space where you are able to go, I’d like to invite you to take a walk* and make your own letter or word.

* Social distancing & physical distancing doesn’t necessarily mean isolation—many of us are still able to go outside for exercise—to walk, hike, and commune with nature if not with each other over a shared meal. Try it out, if you’re able to safely leave your house while still practicing social distancing for yourself and others.

The Project, briefly:

To create messages bit-by-bit by walking and carrying a GPS route-tracking app (similar to what people might use for recording their runs). These applications generate maps of a person’s movements as recorded by pings to the satellite. My own series of words was released as daily posts to instagram and facebook between March 25 and April 23, 2020. >>See the archive<<

What to do:

  • You’ll need a smart phone or other device, and an app like Runkeeper, Strava, MapMyRun or similar “route tracking” (GPS) application. Installation and basic features are usually free (and I’m not trying to promote any particular vendor).

  • And then just go for a stroll with the app running (even in your own building or backyard). Walk me a single letter, or words drawn one letter at a time. Your message might be quick, or if sent one part at a time could take weeks to fully come together. I will even try to respond.

  • Submit a screenshot of your map(s) and tell me where you are in the world-->> send via email to

And then:

  • SHARE this with people who might be interested. The project is ongoing. Please contact me if you would like more information, or have questions, suggestions, or concerns.